2024 研究生 Blog


在RWU, 莱斯利·古铁雷斯(Leslie Gutierrez)找到了一个将她的热情与目标结合在一起的项目,以及一个热情的社区,她在那里担任研究生项目大使和跨文化中心的研究生助理.

作者:Jordan J. 费兰的19
莱斯利·古铁雷斯(Leslie Gutierrez)将于本月晚些时候毕业,获得法医心理健康咨询硕士学位.

布里斯托尔,R.I. – 从乔治亚州西北部郁郁葱葱的风景到罗德岛州布满贝壳的海岸线, Leslie Gutierrez’s journey – a narrative of resilience, 的决心, and a relentless pursuit of change – has brought her to the forefront of advocacy. 他是第一代墨西哥裔美国人,也是“童年来美暂缓遣返计划”(DACA)的接受者, she contributes a distinct perspective to her work, 利用她对心理健康咨询和法律体系的热情,放大边缘化社区的声音, dismantle systemic injustices, and forge new pathways to empowerment and equality. 古铁雷斯将于本月毕业,获得法医心理健康咨询硕士学位. 

Gutierrez’s academic journey began at 贝瑞大学, a short drive from her hometown of Calhoun, Ga., where she delved into the complexities of psychology, fortified by minors in Spanish and applied behavior analysis. 然而,, her path was not just academic; it was a testament to grit and ambition, buoyed by the prestigious Gate of Opportunity Scholarship, a beacon of hope for first-generation scholars like herself. 这笔捐赠使她能够通过数千小时的体育工作来追求她的教育, the Office of Financial Aid, and 网赌的十大网站s, embodying her unwavering commitment to achieving her dreams.

在对刑事司法改革和心理健康意识的热烈支持下, Gutierrez sought to shatter the silence surrounding mental health, particularly within minority communities. She said this wasn’t just a professional endeavor, 而是一个深深植根于她自己的社区和经历的个人使命. Armed with her convictions, Gutierrez charted a bold trajectory, 将她的热情融入到一个目标中——攻读法医心理健康咨询硕士学位. This decision led her to Roger Williams University, where 她说 she found not just an institution, but a sanctuary of encouragement and belonging.

在离家近1000英里的地方,过渡到RWU标志着古铁雷斯的新篇章. 在录取学生日这一天,我第一次走进RWU校园,感受到RWU社区的温暖和友爱,这是一个超越地理距离的深刻肯定. Surrounded by peers and faculty, 这为建立有意义的人际关系和改变大学生活奠定了基础.

“What first introduced me to RWU was the Forensic Mental Health Counseling program, as it’s not too common in the nation. 我也倾向于在较小的环境中茁壮成长,因为它们允许我与同龄人和教授进行更多的讨论和有意识的关系, 因此,RWU紧密的社区是将其与其他学校区分开来的重要因素,” Gutierrez said. “But it was the kindness of everyone here, who were super helpful in navigating me through the graduate admissions process, that made me feel so at home and gave me the encouragement to move up here.”

As Gutierrez navigated her studies at RWU, 她接受了研究生项目大使的角色,在那里她为同学们导航学术和职业发展的复杂性提供了指路明灯. 她的使命简单而深刻:传递她作为一名新学生所受到的善意和指导, fostering a culture of mentorship and autonomy.

“I know this process can be very confusing, especially when you’re far from home and figuring it out on your own, 因此,作为研究生项目大使是一次有益的经历,这使我能够通过回答他们的许多问题来帮助即将网赌的十大网站的学生,”她说。.

In addition to her role as a 研究生 Assistant with RWU’s Intercultural Center, 作为MCI-Norfolk的一名心理健康实习生,古铁雷斯一直沉浸在矫正咨询的世界里, a medium-security prison in Massachusetts. 今年的实践经验使她能够为那些在刑事司法系统中工作的人创造积极的变化, 帮助他们优先考虑自己的心理健康,并在充满挑战的环境中培养乐观情绪, 她说. Through her dedication and empathy, Gutierrez became a catalyst for transformation, 为个人提供工具,以收回他们的叙述,并寻求治愈之路.

“在惩教机构工作和推广心理健康心理学结合了我的两个愿望, allowing me to be a clinician within the legal system. Through this experience, 我已经能够观察到在监狱环境中如何进行心理咨询以及它是如何导致康复的,”她说。. “这让我对毕业后在法律体系内工作充满了热情.”

展望未来, 古铁雷斯说,她计划回到格鲁吉亚,成为一名有执照的咨询师,并继续专注于在监狱环境中提供心理健康服务. Through her advocacy and dedication, 她正在为以更富有同情心和更公平的方式进行咨询和刑事司法改革铺平道路, the powerful result when a student combines their passion with purpose.

2024 研究生 Blog